Many people come to New Orleans to wallow in the romance of its history, to live out their 'Streetcar Named Desire' fantasies, all the while sipping mint juleps under live oak trees.
The greens and golds of the Scarlett O’Hara suite at the HH Whitney House would be a suitable backdrop for this, the four-poster bed overlooked by a portrait of the eponymous heroine and claw-foot bath waiting for guests at the end of another balmy day. The owners, Glen and Randy (though Randy insisted I call him Randall when he found out I was British), do nothing to detract from the charm, being thoroughly charming themselves. Glen especially holds court over the (wonderful) fresh cooked breakfasts, with a different menu every day, introducing guests to each other over the grand communal dining table. There are five rooms and suites in total, each as crammed with antiques and period furniture as the last, with large fancy beds and pleasingly creaky floorboards. There's a houseproud feel to the property but a casual, relaxed mood prevails. The house on one of NOLA's most scenic streets, Esplanade (ES-plan-aid, get it right, visitors) and looks out over Esplanade Ridge, which is a pleasingly old fashioned district. If you're looking to walk off that breakfast, City Park and the Fairgrounds are a leisurely saunter away. |